ŠKODA's top tips for efficient driving

25. října 2022

Whether you’re a company car driver or fleet manager, we take a look at how knowing the most economical way to drive can add up – in terms of money and the environment.

When fuel costs are ever-fluctuating, it’s good to know that by making a few changes to your driving habits, you can save fuel, save money and reduce your carbon emissions.

Check your tyre pressure

As well as impacting driver safety, under-inflated tyres can increase fuel consumption, so check your tyre pressures against the manufacturer’s recommendations regularly and before long journeys. The correct tyre pressure can be found on a sticker inside of the driver’s side door or in the driver's handbook.

Keep on top of maintenance

Issues that can lead to lower fuel economy include worn-out clutches, misfiring spark plugs, faulty engines and clogged air and oil filters, so it's important to keep up with regular car servicing and maintenance. Using the wrong engine oil can also affect a car’s performance which can also affect fuel economy.

Use air conditioning sparingly

According to the Energy Trust, air conditioning increases fuel consumption by as much as five per cent. So whenever possible, use it sparingly and open a window instead - which even at higher speeds is more efficient.

Slow down

According to the Energy Saving Trust, at 75mph a car uses around 18% more fuel than at 60mph. And for electric vehicles, the increase in energy consumption at high speeds is even greater. For the best efficiency, gradually speed up and drive at a smooth and even pace.

Remove excess weight

Heavy items such as roof boxes that cause drag and unnecessary items in your boot that add weight means the engine has to work harder which affects your fuel economy- especially at higher speeds. So the less weight you are carrying, the better.

Take it up a gear

Driving at High revs increases fuel consumption so drive in the highest possible gear possible within the speed limit and change up early when accelerating.

Anticipate the road

Drive as smoothly as possible and anticipate the road ahead to avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration which uses more fuel.

Don’t idle

For stops as brief as 10 seconds - whether you’re dropping the kids off or waiting at lights, turning off your engine uses less fuel than idling.

Slow down gently

Stopping and then starting again will use more fuel so if traffic conditions allow, you can also adapt your speed by easing back on your accelerator to slow down gently without having to use the brakes.


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