Sustainability Milestones as Škoda's hit 10 years

27. září 2023

Environmental protection is embedded in Škoda Auto’s corporate DNA. Launched ten years ago, the GreenFuture programmes' goals are continuously being refined and expanded. The Czech car maker achieved several major sustainability milestones in recent years. Environmental activities also form the foundation of the Next Level – Škoda Strategy 2030, which lays out ambitious plans across several areas. The recent third annual GreenWeek event provided an opportunity for employees to reflect on key milestones while raising awareness within the company about the importance of sustainability.

GreenFuture focuses on environmental protection across the entire value chain

Ten years ago, Škoda Auto incorporated an ever-widening range of measures for environmental protection under the GreenFuture strategy, which rests on three pillars: GreenProduct focuses on developing vehicles that are as environmentally friendly as possible, considering not just fuel and energy consumption but also the materials used and their recyclability. GreenFactory incorporates all efforts aimed at resource-conscious manufacturing. Through GreenRetail, the brand encourages eco-friendly operations at its dealerships and service centres.

Important milestones for GreenProduct, GreenFactory and GreenRetail

Launched in 2013, the GreenFuture project has seen a decade of noteworthy achievements. In addition to strides in manufacturing, vehicle design, and the clever use of recycled and recyclable materials, it has also embraced initiatives in corporate social responsibility. For example, 2020 was significant for the GreenProduct area when Škoda Auto launched series production of its first all-electric car, the Enyaq. Within the GreenFactory area, battery system production for all-electric MEB vehicles started in 2022 in Mladá Boleslav. The Vrchlabí plant’s shift to carbon-neutral production in 2020 stands as another important achievement. In the GreenRetail area, Škoda Auto has been planting a tree for every car sold in the Czech Republic since 2007. By the end of 2023, more then 1 244 000 trees will be planted as part of the ‘Škoda Trees’ initiative. A comprehensive overview of key GreenFuture milestones can be found in the attached infographic.

Škoda Auto to be a completely carbon-neutral company by 2050

The automaker is focusing on increasing sustainability across the entire value chain. This includes the widespread deployment of recycled and recyclable materials and the re-use of high-voltage batteries from electric vehicles in stationary charging units before they undergo extensive recycling, with the raw materials being used to create new cells. All of these measures contribute to the long-term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the product life cycle and thus support the Volkswagen Group’s goal of becoming a carbon-neutral organisation by 2050.

Raising awareness within the company: Employee workshops on sustainability during GreenWeek

At the recent third internal GreenWeek event, held from 18 to 22 September, the company showcased its current initiatives and goals in environmental conservation and sustainable production. The annual event for employees included insights that presented various ways for individuals to contribute to environmental protection. Via live broadcasts, team members watched presentations from both in-house and external guests, all centred on the theme of sustainability in the automotive industry, nationally, and in everyday life. Viewers learned not only about the company’s plans and steps but also about opportunities for personal contributions to environmental protection.

Sustainability Report 2021/22 and more information on a dedicated sustainability microsite

Since 2007, Škoda Auto has regularly updated all stakeholders every two years about its goals and progress in the area of sustainable development. The newly released report can be found here. Furthermore, Škoda Auto recently launched a comprehensive microsite dedicated to all sustainability topics and respective projects. This platform allows stakeholders to explore and follow the company’s ongoing efforts and initiatives across all ESG pillars.

Celebrating 10 years of Green Future.

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